Friday, February 4, 2011

Paris: Make Sure You Don't Do This

photo from here

It's been a hell of a day.  That said, running back and forth between our apartment in Montparnasse and the Sorbonne in the Quartier Latin means that I've gotten a lot of exercise today....
First things first: Get a visa.  This is something that we didn't do properly or something, and so my morning was full of people saying things like "you don't have a long-term visa.  We might arrest you" and teary phone calls to my parents at five in the morning and trying to figure out where the embassy was.  Eventually, I was able to take another class, so I can still go to the Sorbonne, but not for the same class and not as long.  Not awful, considering.
Other things: If you have a credit/debit/bank card, make sure it works.  We eventually got ahold of the bank so now mine works, but there was another panic-stricken hour or so before I was finally able to sign up.
Also, eat.  And don't eat things past their expiration date.  That should be obvious, I know....

At the same time, Paris is beautiful.  It sure doesn't feel like winter here, but last night I got to stand on the balcony in just a sweater and watch the Eiffel Tower light up.  I got to sit in the little café and listen to a bunch of kids talk about why "The Social Network" was an awful movie (I haven't seen it - is it awful?).  I got to walk by all the independent, well-dressed nine-year-olds going to school by themselves.  It's beautiful here, even in February, my least favourite month.  I'm pretty sure it's going to be an incredible six months.


  1. Wow you poor thing having so many things go wrong at first! It's so amazing you get to stay there for six months - I'd love to go to Paris again as my first visit when I was nine didn't go too well! I wish I was there now...

  2. Oh, thank you! Things are all sorted out now, thankfully...
    Do you have travel plans for anytime soon?
