Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy October! And other things

Hello, blog readers, how was your weekend?
Dave and I went on a very Portland date on Saturday, and on Sunday my girlfriends and I had "Ladies Brunch" at Toast, which may now be my very favourite place in Portland (not counting Powells, of course).
It was also the first weekend of October!  I love October; I love Halloween (more on that later, promise) and I love bright blue New England autumn and even chilly drizzly Pacific Northwest autumn thus far.  And I love, love, love the fact that I go home in two weeks to see my darling family for fall break.  "I'll see you in October," my sister told me last week.  "Don't pine."  I love it here - I love my work and my friends and my life - but I also miss my family like crazy.
So, family and home friends, I will see you in two weeks!
Enjoy your Monday, everyone...
(photo from here)