Wednesday, March 23, 2011


For the past few days I've been working on finding my café, because let's face it, working in the apartment in the morning and going to school in the afternoons doesn't really mean you're meeting lots of French people, and it would be nice to meet some.  French people, I mean.
The first café I tried was in a little corner tucked behind the Panthéon, near the place where I registered for classes and one of the campuses of the College de France.  This might actually stay "my café" because the coffee is excellent, I like the way it looks on the inside (I am very superficial), they have extension cords just in case, I can read in relative peace, and people question my nationality there.  On the other hand, while there are occasionally students (people my age), it's not like there are a ton.
The Café Soufflot was the next café I tried, on Rue Soufflot heading straight up to the Panthéon.  It's a pretty busy street, but I had seen tons of people there studying and stuff, so I decided to give it a whirl.  The coffee isn't great, but twice as expensive.  I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pay like ten dollars for a café crème, ever.
There are plenty more cafés scattered around Paris - around the Quartier Latin and Raspail, especially - so the search continues!  Do any of you have any that you'd recommend?


  1. Oh I went to one of those Pantheon cafes...
    How I would like to find my cafe too, if I could stop long enough to relax.
    It's not on the menu/agenda for me :(

  2. I'm not a good relaxer either, but I need somewhere to do my homework/read....

  3. Hope you find a cafe, with good coffee and a place you can relax and read in.

    Happy day
